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Interview with Carol Reid from ATHAC

1. In what ways are you serving women in the West Midlands right now?

Athac provides a weekly women’s wellbeing service offering every parent an income and benefits review to ensure they are getting all they are eligible to; personalised money advise including home visits where needed; debt management support; weekend family breaks for carers in the Cotswolds; Support with mobile foodbank during lockdown; developing recovery services; Creative session opportunities for children and young people.

2. What are your biggest challenges as a women's organisation?

Working with women who sometimes lack confidence, poverty, women who need upskilling, wasted talents - many have crafting skills etc. but don’t wish to take on running a business.

Diverse women need a personalised approach to support

Providing one-to-one coaching.

3. What keeps you motivated?

Knowing our support and opportunities make a difference not only to the women but to their children through our programme of enrichment opportunities.

4. Do you have any advice for other women running their own organisations?

Know you mission and stay focused throughout any projects or collaborations you deliver. Also work in creative ways to achieve your goals. Take time out to connect using the 5 ways to wellbeing approach: Connect; Be Active; Give; Take Notice; Keep Learning


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