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Words carry energy. 

Words can raise vibrational frequency

When we use words for good 

and select them mindfully…

They can send a heart swimming in a sea of love, 

erasing feelings of insecurity, 

re-charging a tired mind with injections of positivity.

Whether it’s what we write….read,

speak….or …hear

Words, can shape and determine the beauty of our day…or month, or our year

Verbs and adjectives 

Paragraphs and sentences 

Accompanied by mixture of tones and melodies 

Delivery seasoned with gesture’s and body languages

Birthed out of ruminations and inferences

Words can hurt, ..heal….or ….harm

Cause upset, or keep you calm

A shout… a murmur….or a ..mumble

Words can humiliate, …..stumble or humble…

They mould the life and mind of a child 

More than sounds, that pass through the larynx, into the air and linger for a while

In your home, the words you choose contribute to the psychological environment...

….the development of temperament

Forming internal talk, 

dictating an outward walk..

Contouring emotions, perceptions, beliefs, and ….day to day thoughts

Even a delicate whisper in the ear can be a vital step towards change and transformation

So clapped at the beginning of  this poem… now ….here is a call to action

Question is..  

Will you choose to bridle harmful words…..

pause and think ….before speaking? 

Will you….consider how…when you walk away…  

your words leave a friend, sibling or child… feeling?

…can you clap once again if you agree…

that words can transform…

…….carry energy….

and raise vibrational frequency…


season your words with 

life's good force.. 




and sincerity.

by Denise Amory-Reid

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