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Shakti, the light at the end of your tunnel.

We were so touched by this letter from Jessica Cruse who is one of our long-time members and beneficiaries that we simply had to share it...

Hi Shakti,

I hope everyone on the team is doing well. Lockdown 3 has been the worst for sure- for myself, someone who works internationally, works directly with challenging roles and beneficiaries focused and also someone who loves to network, it's been tough. Add that I do prefer hot weather, Ive been living away from family and friends for the last two years and last March, a week after returning to the UK lockdown hit!

At least those prior lockdowns the weather was warm, gyms were open, we could meet people for a walk, sit outside, have space. Lockdown 3 in winter has been abysmal for so many people I know.

However. There is light at the end of the tunnel and let me be honest, that light has been Shakti. I reached out to the team to request mentoring from Cheryl and I couldn't believe I was able to access this programme and also for free!

At a time in my life where I needed it most. Where Ive felt lost, not myself, los my belief. I am well into the mentoring programme with Cheryl and I had no idea how amazing it would be.

Firstly the space as a young professional black woman whose quite frankly fed up of this whitewash in my sector, and male-wash also. Shakti has not only provided me with this access, but onto a programme led by two very inspiring, courageous, bold, unapologetic women.

I just want to say thank you so much to Shakti! I am truly loving my mentoring sessions and I already feel they've had a massive impact on me and my life.

Lockdown 3 is hard but Shakti has helped. I would love for Shakti to offer the calendar of events they used to, the personal chapter, professional chapter and so on, digitally online! It would honestly be amazing and I know there's plenty of people like me who would attend, support and pay. £10/£20/£30 per month for those kinds of sessions, also the connection.

Anyhoo- I saw the post on linkedin and wanted to respond in thanks.

by Jessica Cruse

Thank you do much for these heartfelt words, Jessica! We hope posting your letter encourage others to reach out to us for our services.

If Shakti Women has helped you in any way or if there's a way we could help you but aren't, we'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Perhaps, Shakti Women is the light at the end of your tunnel? If you want to find out more about our services, please get in touch. Or if you want to talk, send your name and number to and one of our team will give you a call.


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